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Expirations and Admissions



  • What does visa expiration refer to?

    Visa expiration refers to the end of the period of permission granted for entry into the U.S.

  • What does petition expiration refer to?

    Petition expiration refers to the end of the period of permission granted to work in the U.S.

  • What does the period of admission refer to?

    The period of admission refers to the end of the authorized period for staying in the U.S.

  • For someone wanting to visit or temporarily stay in the United States, what are the available types of visas?

    If you plan to visit the US temporarily, you would need a non-immigrant visa. The most common types of non-immigrant visas are the student visa, which is required for those seeking education and skills development; the business investor visa, which allows entry to investors in US businesses; and the travel visa, which permits tourists to explore the US.

  • What should I do if my visa has expired?

    If your visa has expired, it is recommended that you contact an immigration attorney as soon as possible to review your current status and determine the best course of action. Time is crucial when dealing with expired visas, so it is important to take your time.

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